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OUR REFERENCES – RONIN Creative Technologies Our references are international. We mainly support businesses from France and Vietnam. Our clients are FnB, retail, aeronautic, healthcare, media, events, IT and real estate businesses. RONIN, creative technologies, omni channel, digital, marketing, tphcm, Vietnam, AR, augmented reality, gamification, công nghệ, tương tác thực tế, FnB, retail, aeronautic, healthcare, media, events, IT, real estate, BDS page-template,page-template-full_width,page-template-full_width-php,page,page-id-7530,elision-core-1.0.10,ajax_fade,page_not_loaded,qode-theme-ver-4.4,wpb-js-composer js-comp-ver-6.3.0,vc_responsive Electric Taxiing by Safran Landing Systems 3D/VFX, Events, Omnichannel marketing, Video Heart Institute Charity Gala 2017 3D/VFX, AR/VR, Branding, Events, Gamification, Omnichannel marketing, Video, Website Heart Institute Charity Gala 2016 3D/VFX, AR/VR, Events, Gamification, Omnichannel marketing, Video, Website 3D/VFX, AR/VR, Brand identity, Branding, Events, Gamification, Omnichannel marketing, Video, Website Hamlet Truong influencer marketing Branding, Influencer, Social Media, Video Branding, Omnichannel marketing, Video, Website 3D/VFX, Brand identity, Branding, Omnichannel marketing, Video, Website 3D/VFX, Brand identity, Branding, Influencer, Omnichannel marketing, Video, Website 3D/VFX, AR/VR, Branding, Events, Gamification, Sales Driving Branding, Events, Gamification Branding, Events, Omnichannel marketing, Website 3D/VFX, Omnichannel marketing, Video Safran Group Wheels & Brakes Convention 3D/VFX, Brand identity, Branding, Events, Omnichannel marketing, Video, Website Brand identity, Events, Omnichannel marketing, Video RONIN is an omnichannel marketing and communication agency. Our expertise comes from helping international brands such as the Safran Group, Nestle, LEGO… in their marcom strategies and execution for 15+ years, when operating in France. When comic strips help corporate communication Building new synergies with MASAN GROUP We build communication assets for fruits traders